
Since the disruption of PPGLL, PPGLinC has consolidated its contribution for graduate training in the state of Bahia, with educators from state institutions who have been benefiting from their studies in the Program. Among these institutions are UESC (Ilhéus-Itabuna), UESB (Vitória da Conquista, Jequié etc.), UEFS (Feira de Santana), UNEB (Caetité, Conceição do Coité, Guanambi, Salvador, among other campuses). There are alsoprivate institutions such as Jorge Amado College, UNIME and UNIFACS (Salvador). Also, new UFBA campuses and new federal higher education institutions in the state have been welcoming alumni from our Program in their teaching staff, receiving new students from these institutions.
It is noteworthy that this contribution has been crossing the borders of Bahia, as students from various backgrounds apply to the program, which demonstrates its visibility in the various regions of the country. Besides Bahia, PPGLinC attracts and receives students from other national states such as Sergipe, Acre, Espírito Santo, Alagoas, Ceará, Amazonas.
In the social and educational scope, we highlight the participation of faculty members of PPGLinC in the implementation of a reservation system to meet social demands. Professor Elizabeth Teixeira coordinates projects related to Deaf Studies and Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), culminating in the graduation of several Libras interpreters by UFBA in partnership with UFSC. Therefore, the call for applications for the 2018 selection for regular students established that 30% from the total of master’s and doctorate openings were reserved for black applicants (black and brown). In addition, 10% of supernumerary openings were offered, one for each of the identification categories, namely: Indigenous, Quilombola, People with Disabilities and Trans People.
In addition, PPGLinC faculty members welcome high school students in their research projects through PIBIC-JR, contributing to the education of public school students. Another social integration action takes place through the PERMANECER Project (specific for Affirmative Actions).
It is also worth mentioning the performance of several PPGLinC researchers, among faculty and students, at the ILUFBA’s Permanent Center for Extension in (NUPEL), which opens for foreign language native and non-native students from disadvantaged communities through fully subsidized scholarships.